Sgt Roman F. Klick 36620923
HS 1393 Engr APO 709
c/o PM SF Cal
31 July 1944

Dear Aunty Clara,


After all that talking about the new regulations I forgot to thank you for sending those things. Thanks a lot, Aunty Clara, and you can bet that now we will put on a real feed bag in the Canteen some evening this week --- but good.

I'll send out a thank you note to Mrs. Vintera immediately. Although to her, I will not mention anything about not being able to get anymore, for a negative note doesn't fit well in a friendly letter.

The letters I received from you were dated two the 22nd and one the 23rd. You have very good common sense concerning my present and possible future relationships with Patricia. We can take life as it comes with all its ups and downs. Should our friendship end in mere correspondence, nothing will have been lost at all for there was nothing to lose in the beginning; yet we will have gained some pleasant interexchange of commentaries and pleasantries. Should it come to be that in the years after the war, we really become true friends and know each other well, that can be accepted as one of life's unexpected surprises and pleasures which continue to make our struggles on this world worth the while.

My note of yesterday hoping that you had two rolls of films so you could send Dolores one was rather unnecessary in light of your comment in today's letter saying that she is out of luck regardless.

Last week I sent an official request for investigation, signed for the Commanding Officer, to the Office of Dependency Benefits to find out what has happened to our allotment. We should hear definitely within the next thirty days.

Ever since the Company Officers have been censoring my mail to you once again, I've tried to restrain myself and only write but one letter at noon and one at night; but today I just seemed to have had a lot to talk about and couldn't keep it limited. That is also why this answer to your letters is short.

I'll write again this evening. O yes, I didn't write Eleanor last night. And the bracelet is on its way to Pat. Airmailed in spite of my saying no.

/s/ Roman