Honor Roll of Members
- Army Corps of Engineers | Virtual Museum -
Ranks of Members
Private First Class $20
Sergeant $ 50
Lieutenant $ 75 to $ 100
Captain $100 to $199
Major $200 to $499
Colonel $500 +
~ Private First Class ~
Sol Berkowitz
Jean Berlin (In memory of her husband, Rex A. Berlin)
Donald C. Everly
Gordon L. Fajman
H. Lawrence Frazin
Edward O. Fryk Jr
Rollo L. Fullmer
Clarence L. Haug
Kay Kozlica (In memory of her husband, George M. Kozlica)
Raymond B. Marshall
Elmer D. Meeker
Ernest M. Miller
William Mullen Jr.
Fred W. Pash
Marcellus Sebastian
Martha Tiffany (In memory of her husband, Robert L. Tiffany)
Joseph Trush.
Walter Godfrey Baer V (7/30/2022)
~ Sergeant ~
Belton A. Badeaux
Donald W. Balch
Joseph C. Bass
George A. Benner
Anne Brogan (In memory of her husband, Thomas J. Brogan)
Leroy K. and Linda S. Burgh
Marshall W. Busey
Primo J. Cabri
William M. Coultis
Juanita J. Cristallo (In memory of her husband, Vincent Cristallo)
Thomas J. and Karen D. Daniels
Donald P. Dickerson
Charles P. DiNunzio
Carl J. Gazdik
Roland P. Geiger
Alfred L. Howton
Robert E. Johnson
Paul G. Jorgensen
Maxine Kain (In memory of her husband, John D. Kain)
Deland Kelroy
Delcie G. Kibiloski (In memory of her husband, Clyde L. Kibiloski)
Allan A. Kirchman
Eleanor Klear (In memory of her husband, Harold R. Klear)
Nancy M. Kolsky
Anthony J. Kotowski
Eleanor L. Kramer (In memory of her husband, Thomas N. Kramer)
Joyce Kressig (In memory of her husband, Louis M. Kressig, Jr)
Robert D. Laurent
Mason E. Litts
Lorraine McCluskey (In memory of her husband, Thomas McCluskey)
Elsie McCollum (In memory of her husband, Earsel A. McCollum)
Morris E. Mersing
Steve Misak
Stanley C. Mohler
Edward J. Mulcrone
Willard T. Nichols
Harry S. Passehl
Wilfred L. Pierce
Daniel M. Purcell (In memory of his father, Edwin C. Purcell)
William A. Salerno
Stanley S. Sankey
Dwight "Ike" Schlottman
Harvey H. Schweigert
Doris B. Scholer, (In memory of her husband Charles N. Scholer)
Genevieve O. Stiak
Robert A. Stone
Mildred Teteak
Domingo T. Tiu
Andrew L. Truog
K. O. Veazey, Jr.
Sidney Vickery (In memory of her husband, Melvin V. Vickery)
Sophie Vlk
Richard F. Volp
Frederick A. Wagener
Paul F. Wilz
Jack E. Wright
George F. Yantis
~ Lieutenant ~
Roy E. Bailey
Stanley Bingham
Russell A. Coventry
Kenneth J. and Maurine Daniels
Archie B. De La Vergne
Michael De Luca
Paul J. Dieter
Benjamin F. Gilmore, Jr.
William A. Grauel
Edward G. Gum, Sr.
George N. Hahn
Ernest F. Hather
Burnice W. Hays
Gideon C. Holmes III
Frank Kastory
Joseph G. Kobolak
Michael F. Leary
Hubert H. Lowinski
Anthony A. Martino
Andrew M. Mathis
Duane A. McKee
Jasper N. Minton
Bernard J. Moston
Mary Jane Norona (In memory of her husband, Delf A. Norona)
Barbara O'Flanagan (In memory of her father, Charles W. Swartz)
Bernard J. Richardville
Frederick D. Sculley
Ardson Shegoian
Lester F. Shimon
Yolanda Smarrito (In memory of her husband, John T. Smarrito)
Bonney E. Smith
Rex E. Smith
Vaughn C. Smoyer
Edward J. Steinhauser
John and Betty Sykes
Robert L. Vernon
Mary Yon
~ Captain ~
John J. Amanti
Mary Beth Boehm (In memory of her father, Charles Boehm)
Stella A. Fassbender (In memory of her husband, Roy H. Fassbender)
Vernon E. Fatzinger
Everardo L. Gradassi
Donald F. Griffin
Homer E. Hoke
Robert D. LeFever
Ronald J. McMillan
Timothy Murphy (In memory of his father, Roy E. Murphy)
Elaine Napier (In memory of her husband, Oliver J. Napier)
Donald Paradiso
Lauretta J. Picantine (In memory of her husband, John A. Picantine)
John W. Ridges
George C. Saewert
Robert I. Sweeten
Laula M. Walker (In memory of her husband, Frear Walker)
~ Major ~
Robert E. Brown
Sidney E. Clodfelter
Robert Sutherland Cook, Jr.
Patrick Ferrell (In memory of his grandfather, Erwin M. Ferrell)
Marcus A. Garriss
Carolyn Hoffman (In memory of her husband, Gordon J. Hoffman)
Bernard A. Manzer
George J. Shubat
Martha Walker, Susan Walker and Rex Davidson, Mary Lynn and Charles Irish
(In memory of Robert L. Walker, husband, dad and father-in-law)
Harry T. Wiegel, Jr.
~ Colonel ~
Mansel W. Johns
Roman F. Klick
Robert S. Maack