Sgt Roman F. Klick 36620923
HS 1393 Engr APO 709
c/o PM SF Cal
20 July 1944


"Hi Pat,

This letter is an initiation for the new Sheaffer's lifetime pen which I bought at the Post Exchange today. I couldn't think of a better way to start it off on its writing career than by writing a letter to you.

There hasn't been much happening here during the last week with the exception of the shows. We saw "The Adventures of Mark Twain" Sunday and although we liked it, the picture did not meet our expectations. Last night, however, we saw that rollicking comedy --- "Standing Room Only" --- and we sat in the pouring rain to see it, but the laughs it provided were well worth it.

O yes, we went on that swimming party Sunday and it is definitely going to be the last one; for, that salty ocean doesn't taste good at all, taking half the enjoyment from the sport. The ocean water was very warm and as easy to float in as they say. We all appreciate those amazingly clear and cool mountain pools we had available to us in the Dumbea River in New Caledonia now that we have only that salt water.

Our Paraqueet, Pete, flew away at last when a baseball accidentally struck the screening right next to him. That scared him half out of his wits and he took off thru the office building and out the back door.

Since seeing the picture "Song of Bernadette", I have wanted to read the book. Today I received the opportunity to do so when a fellow walked in with it. So far I've wasted good time by reading some 40 pages of it when I should be putting in time on my Army Institute courses. Best wishes.



ED NOTE: This letter is no good but, in keeping with my letter every Friday policy, I had to send whatever I could write. Maybe she'll be too busy to notice the poor letter writing.