Cpl Roman F. Klick 36620923
HS 1393 Engr APO 709
c/o PM San Francisco, California
20 May 44

(Uncle Jack's letters of the 7th of May)   "Dear Nephew Roman:   I didn't subscribe for the Tribune. I'm going to wait until I hear from you. If you can squeeze the time in between your various duties and letter writing to read the paper, it will be on the way. But in either case I'm going to leave it to your own judgement. Well, finally the Cub fans got some good news last week. Not only was Jim Wilson asked to resign his job, but a few days later, the management came out with the announcement that "Der Kaptink", old Charlie Grimm was coming back as the Manager of the Cubs. Even if he don't do any better than Wilson, he will provide the fans with more fun, whether we wins or loses. But I really believe that Grimm will be a much better man than Wilson. I just saw the paper and I see the Cubs lost their 11th straight ball game, making a bad debut for Charlie Grimm. But the Pirates had to go 11 innings before they beat the "Grimm Cubs". It wouldn't surprise me to see them just turn right around and go on a long winning streak. Maybe even Novikoff will start to play ball. My wish to you: Good health and lots of good luck.

Uncle Jack"

"Dear Nephew Roman:   After about 5 or 6 weeks on the collection job, my feet or legs don't bother me so much any more. At first I got a little tired climbing up and down stairs all day. But the muscles are used to the grind now, it seems I can go along all day and at night I'm only tired a little bit. However, the job is pleasant otherwise. The neighborhood is very good. No back of the yards or 18th St. railroad track customers to collect from. High class clientele. When I go to Cicero this week, I will no doubt find some letters wherein you tell of the construction work you guys are doing down there. Also here no doubt will be an account of all the reports you are supposed to get out in a hurry but you never will be able to find the time to catch up on those reports and payrolls. Those malaria pills you guys are taking must be beneficial to ward off the disease, otherwise the army wouldn't be fooling around with them. Anyway, I hope they do the job and really keep those malaria bugs away from you. We have a little table radio and have lots of fun listening to the police calls. Plenty going on practically every minute. Well, my boy, good luck and good health to you.

Uncle Jack"

Cpl Roman F. Klick 36620923
HS 1393 Engr APO 709
c/o PM San Francisco, California

Dear Uncle Jack,

Saturday Nite

I received your two letters of the 7th today and have been fortunate enough to have the time this evening to write an answer. The work is getting to a point, rather suddenly too, where the end is in sight and it is needless to say that I am thankful for that. It is okay to do an occasional day of hard work but when it continues day after day without let-up, it begins getting one down. After a few more days, I believe that I can put my own job aside for a bit and really give the new H&S Company Clerk, Leishman, the guidance he needs and should have had while making up the payroll. The H&S payroll was turned into Finance a day late so they are "getting even" with us by announcing that we shall get our pay not on the 31st but sometime after that.

You and I both had the same idea in connection with Charlie Grimm injecting new life into the Cubs even if it is only meant more showmanship on the field. It would be swell if by some miracle he could raise the sorry mess Wilson left him up into the first division. Although the way things have been going for the Bruins this last month, it looks hopeless. Even the Radio Paper APO 709 is groaning at the continual defeats of the Chicago Cubs.

So the collection job is turning out to be okay, eh? It is a good thing you are in a "high class" district because the collections are much easier there than they would be in the other places. I found it that way when I collected for Jack Seefer. It was a snap collecting along Austin Blvd or in the "Island" district of Chicago, but the going got kind of tough between 16th and Roosevelt Road.

Those atabrine tablets we take for malaria will never keep us from getting the disease but will merely suppress it until such a time as we stop taking them. It is merely sound military economy to keep the troops in the field from being incapacitated with the sickness. They do no end of kidding back and forth about everyone's skin turning yellow under the atabrine dosage and there is a bit of truth in it for the skin does color ever so slightly.

Those police calls you listen to can be mighty interesting and amusing sometimes. Everything from hysterical women, prowlers, and robberies on down to some cranky neighbor complaining about the rowdy kids in the neighborhood. Do you ever hear any calls that come right within the neighborhood of your location?

For the first time since leaving the States, I've been listening to the radio programs for two of the fellows in or new office have radio sets. Some of the recent programs I have heard are the early morning wake up hour of jazz and jive, Jack Benny, the Hit Parade, Suspense, Command Performance (which they say civilians never hear) and the news broadcasts.

So-long,       Roman