Cpl Roman F. Klick 36620923
Co "A", 353rd Engr Regt
A.P.O. #502, c/o Postmaster
San Francisco, California
11 December 1943
Dear Aunty Clara,
"I Walked With a Zombie" was a stinkeroo if you know what I mean and I think you do. If they would come out with an out and out story about the zombies and the voodism of the West Indies, it would be a lot better than the wishy-washy melodrama they did hand us. The story was a cross between belief of the voodoo and a dis-belief in it at the same time. It is much easier to follow the thread of a story which doesn't vacillate and it would be much easier to swallow the tale if they presented the whole case of black magic as being true. Tom Conway and Frances Dee played in the picture.
The tent situation has finally been settled. It was discovered that Censky, Burkard, Mersing and myself were to move into the next tent. Edie and Joe Bauer were to go to other tents. We didn't want Edie separated and since we would only have five men in our tent, we decided to see what we could do about changing it around. However, when Edie went to Davis to try to get it changed, it was discovered that the plans had been so arranged that he should never have been moved out in the first place. The new set up is, therefore, the entire group of us with the exception of Joe Bauer will move into tent #9 at the end of the row thus leaving tent #8 for the 2nd Platoon. Another truck driver, T/5 Morris J. Snook, will move into the tent with us.
The mail situation today was rather good. I received a letter from you but I forgot the date and since I left it under the mosquito bar, I won't be able to answer it tonight. Then I received a letter or rather Christmas card from the Klicks and a five dollar money order enclosure. That will come as a boon because I wanted to pay my share of the lamp which would be one dollar and it seemed rather odd to wait until January to do so. In addition to those two items, I received two more Daily Newses, one from the 20th of October and the other from the sixth of November. I can now appreciate how Uncle Jack used to have the paper accumulate and then have to read them all day long to catch up. Maybe I'll have to do something like that tomorrow.
The show was intermittently scheduled for the big tent and then the amphitheater. It was finally decided upon to risk an open air showing and it came off alright as far as that part goes. What spoiled the show tonight was first of all the picture was one of the worst of the year, second, one of the shorts was one which we had seen before about the United States Navy Band in a few numbers, third, the GI film which was a review of the build up to the war since the early days of Nazisms, Fascisms and a Japanese military clique. I do not enjoy seeing marching soldiers or anything connected with what might have been in connection with this present war. Fourth, Captain Cook gave a half hour speech on what his plans are as Orientation Officer and since he is not a public speaker I was almost put to sleep. He gave a lengthy interpretation of the news of the day but it was nothing more than what we can read for ourselves in the Sopac News. So there you have it, I came to the movies to forget the war and two hours out of the three were just war, war, war and more war.
I'm pretty tired right now and it is certain that I will not write letters to any other people this evening besides perhaps one to Aunty Flo-Flo and another one to you with the Good Conduct Ribbon enclosed. You see, I got the extra one I wanted of that kind.
Oh yes, I finally got into the second box of Mallow Delights and it is going, but fast. That was the box in which there is a card from Senor J. Gonzalez. And, incidentally, the last of the hard candy went during tonight's show. When I first opened up the can, I thought the best of them were going to be the hard round Mrs Snyder candies but as it turned out, the candy you had wrapped individually was the best and they couldn't really be called by the name of hard candy.
So-long, /s/ Roman Roman