Cpl Roman F. Klick 36620923
Co "A", 353rd Engr Regt
A.P.O. #502, c/o Postmaster
San Francisco, California
August 10 1943

Dear Aunty Clara,

What is more important than the fact that I ran off the show in fairly successful fashion this evening is that I answered "Here" to mail call. I didn't get any letters but I did get a package with about a couple dollars worth of 50( airmail stamps plastered all over the front of it. Yes, the watch arrived just short of a full month after you sent it. Say it is an elegant looking timepiece. At first I expected the showpiece that the other watch was with the fancy circles, color and finish and when I opened the package up the watch seemed rather plain. That attitude was soon knocked for a cocked hat as I got to like the fine looking quality of the watch more and more by the minute. It reminds me of the time I thought Uncle Jack's old Elgin watch looked so plain yet as time went by I realized that it was the better timekeeper than a lot of watches that looked like a million bucks but didn't run as well. Anyway it all adds up to the repetitious statement that I think it is the nuts. And the same thing happened when I looked at the wrist band. It is a lot different than the wrist band on the watch I used to have a couple years back but after looking at this one the second time one can see that this one is finer and more delicately made than the more gaudy appearance of the other one. Yes sirree, the whole watch from stem to link is honky-dory. The stem winds so smooth that you don't even feel the gears meshing.

O, let me tell you about the condition the watch package arrived in. It was battered to a pulp. Don't be alarmed though because the corrugated paper and the excelsior inside the box in addition to the little red watch box all kept the watch from being injured in any way. I noticed where you tried to open the watch and made the marks in it. I'm glad you told me about that because otherwise I would have thought something happened to the watch en route.

This evening I really ran the show without any outside help. Lt Yantis went into town to attend a class given to all Personnel Officers and wasn't around until I was in the stage of winding up the last reel of the picture just before calling it a night in the projection booth. The fellows didn't think much of the first choice of record I played while they were waiting for the program to begin. It was the National Barn Dance which I myself would never even listen to at home. The only reason I put that on was because I figured some people are crazy about that kind of entertainment and we might as well give them a break occasionally. Anyhow, the movie went off without a hitch and according to those who were there to criticize me they said my finish when I turn off the movie, turn on the flood lights and start the music up again was just about as good as anyone would want it to be. In fact something new happened this evening as I had to break into the movie with the loud speaking system and ask for a certain Lt to report to the projection booth. I did make a few mistakes but they were the kind no one knows about but the fellow running the show. For instance, in between reels I made a mistake in procedure and it wasted a few seconds but no one was none the wiser. When those little false moves are eliminated, I myself will feel that I have done a good job. Another thing was that the Lt in charge of Special Services cried "On with the show" and I began it only to be stopped seconds later as they decided to take a picture of our guest speaker. That was a false start there but I believe everyone knew what had taken place and we were forgiven.

Our guest speaker was a native born islander of old pioneer stock and he has made it his business to know the island from A to Z. I couldn't tell you what he said because it is all censorable. Towards the close he dwelled on the political events of the island and reminded me of Senor G when he and I talked politics.

So-long,   /s/ Roman   Roman