Cpl Roman F. Klick 36620923
Co "A", 353rd Engr Regt
A.P.O. #502, c/o Postmaster
San Francisco, California
July 29, 1943

Dear Aunty Clara,

I don't know whether to curse my luck or not. For the most part I have found that I can usually rely on that good luck of mine to keep my life running smoothly; but every so often I come to one of those bumps and begin to wonder. However, what I might think is bad luck now will turn out to be for the best as the time goes by. Up to now this has all been riddles to you so I'll tell you straight away. Having reached the ripe old age of 23 years on July 24, 1943, I lost a chance for which I dreamed of long before I was ever in the Army. It is possible that in the near future certain fellows from our regiment who have the required education, the required score on the Army's mental test, and the required age will be sent to college to become specialists. We had that opportunity back in Camp White but we could not avail ourselves of it because we were an alerted outfit. Now it seems that the Army chooses to select their candidates for those specialization courses from personnel serving overseas just as well as those serving in the States themselves. Then comes that measly few days separating me from those not yet 23 and those who are 23. Even today all my boyfriends are still getting free schooling in the Army while I was almost eligible. There is always some trivial thing making it an almost for me every time. First it was the 20/50 vision in one eye which knocked me from the Air Crew, then the measly college Physics that knocked me out of the Ground Crew and now 5 or so days of time. As I said before beginning this long winded narration, it is most likely for the best in the long run. This is the regiment I belong to, this is the arm of the service I belong to and this is the job that has been cut out for me for this war.

It's a funny thing, but as a general rule I can not regret very much which has ever happened to me. Such things like choosing to go back to college instead of continuing to work, or not having taken college physics, or having plugged along with mathematics and history instead of pursuing what others might call more useful subjects. In the long run I may or may not have been materially bettered by the course I chose, but at least I was spiritually satisfied.

Well, it looks as if maybe the watch did not come by air-mail after all. We are going to have to chalk quite a few of these disappointments up to experience. If all three packages arrive by slow mail, I will probably begin receiving them during the last week in August and continue for three weeks.

It will be impossible to cash the bank money order on this island. The only things which can be cashed are postal money orders and American express money orders. I am going to send it back to you once again and indorse it in such a way that only you can cash it. You will keep all three hundred pennies of it to cover cost of Birthday Present to the little Miller, the cablegram, and a portion of the cost of the stamps you have had to put on the packages. I will send it in an air-mail envelope this very evening.

My conscience is beginning to bother me once again in connection with my letters to other people. I did all right last week but this week I haven't written one other letter yet. I will have to take on oath right now that tomorrow evening, without fail, I will write to the Victory Club #52, Bob Hesser, and Tommy Mashos. That will leave the way clear to write answers to Ray and Uncle Jack on the following evening. Now that the oath is taken I wonder how well I will carry it out.

Last night before going to sleep, I lay in bed browsing through the French dictionary and by golly if I didn't come across some French translations of golf slang!

/s/ Roman