Cpl Roman F. Klick 36620923
Co "A", 353rd Engr Regt
A.P.O. #502, c/o Postmaster
San Francisco, California
June 15, 1943

Dear Aunty Clara:

Today we will try something new in the writing of the V-Mail letters. Perhaps this double spacing will make it somewhat easier to read. Lt. London mentioned the fact to me that it is rather difficult to read type that is single spaced and no paragraphed such as has been the case up to now. From time to time I will vary the form and you can tell me which way looks the best and reads the easiest.

The next letter I send to you will be a V-Mail and Airmail. Both will be mailed at the same time. I will mention the fact in the letters themselves that they are the ones I mean. Then you can tell which reaches home faster --- the V-Mail or the Airmail.

The dates of the letters you sent me were as I remember them: May 19, 28, 31, and 31 again.

We were working all day yesterday. The usual office work for which personnel is noted. I imagine the lemon picking etcetera will have to wait until next Sunday again.

By the way, did I tell you that Larry and I went swimming in a river Sunday? Edie doesn't swim so he stayed on the bank and watched us. That was the first time I ever swam in a river with a current and it was a lot of fun. If a person doesn't swim hard enough, he stays in the very same spot. In floating you are carried downstream with no effort on your part.

Incidentally, there was no mail call yesterday. Molyneaux and I were talking it over and came to the conclusion that there will never again be a regular mail service but rather a spasmodic delivery.

Nyalka went to the Post Headquarters today to find out various information in regards to the way things are worked down here. One of the things he went to look into was the chances for the aviation cadet exams.

Solong,   /s/ Roman   Roman