Camp White, Oregon
March 2, 1943

Dear Aunty Clara:

They restricted Company A to the barracks last night for a clothing check but I had planned on going to the show to see "Random Harvest" with Ronald Coleman and Greer Garson. So I went to the show. And here is how I did it. I ate an early chow to begin with (it was there that I first learned of the restriction). Then I looked for an official announcement to the effect that the company was restricted but there was none such posted on the bulletin board. From there I walked into the Orderly Room where there were only T/5s and a Pfc hanging around. Driscoll, Hanton and the Lts were not there. As a result I took the signing out book and marked myself down for the show. Again I was told that the company was restricted but I just laughed in their respective faces and said, "Quit your kidding, I haven't seen any announcement". The reason I bothered to sign out was to provide a good alibi in case they should happen to have looked for me at Headquarters and I would not have been there. When I strolled back to the barracks at twelve the Orderly Room was dark so I did not have a chance to sign in. I did that this morning when I came down to work. There were only four men in all that did not have their clothes checked and one of them naturally was me. I will get a special check this afternoon after dinner.

I wrote Pat a letter last night. It wasn't much of a letter but, after all, I owed her a letter from Saturday or Friday whichever it was and then again for Monday. Believe it or not, I received another letter from her yesterday. She sends them all airmail too.

One letter I received yesterday was from Uncle Jack and the reason he could not write to me this time was that Uncle Stack was seriously ill. He almost died of the identical ailment which killed Jaja. You remember what that was, coronary thrombosis. As a result, Stack has to stay in bed another four weeks. He is not able to get out of bed and when he does his life will be horribly restricted. He must never exert himself to the slightest or it will mean death. Uncle Jack says that at least that is better than no life at all but I have my doubts. Just think by getting out of bed and walking around right now he could end it all. Of course it would be a painful way to die but just think now he has control over his life and death.

A third letter was from St. Valentine's Church. They have informed me that a silver locket or medal is now on its way to me.

The company picture turned out swell and although my face is not clear (the picture at that corner became slightly blurred) my smile is there and most of the fellows think I took a good picture. I wonder if I should invest the buck and buy one.

Incidentally, Pat wants to know if I will tolerate the vernacular of a high school sophomore. She should only know all the queer expressions I can put into writing. In time she will as the letters become less formal. Curse her! One day she puts amico meo as a closing word and then the next day your neighbor. I take that curse back.

The big rush seems to have begun again down here at work but I do not believe it will keep up for any length of time.

Driscoll and Hanton are burned up at their Company Clerk. It seems he was given orders by the Personnel Department not to have the men in the hospital sign the payroll. As a result these men did not receive any pay yesterday. They were redlined (that is the term used when a fellow isn't paid). Driscoll says any company clerk that redlines four of his men doesn't deserve to be paid. He also came out with a sarcastic remark that my $9.15 which I drew was overpaying me. How's that for appreciation of a fellow's work. That company just doesn't believe in compliments. I have yet to get one from them. On top of that double-trouble, Warner and Nyalka deny ever giving us such orders thus placing the blame upon the clerks. However, Jack Molyneaux who had about nine men redlined received no such condemnation from his Company Commander or First Sergeant. They just figured that was the way things had worked out and let it go at that.

Tomorrow morning is my day off and I will naturally stay in bed and sleep through Reveille. We shall see what we shall see.

I have to go to work now.

Solong ma chere tante Clara,
/s/ Roman