29 December 1942
Camp White, Oregon

Dear Aunty Clara:

That mail sure is fast. I received your Sunday mail Tuesday afternoon!

I am glad that Censky managed to drop in to see Aunt-Aunt. But I will not hear about it from him until January the 4th.

I still wonder whether it was those cookies or something wrong inside my stomach. It must have been me because the other fellows were so hoggish they wanted thirds and fourths.

I just can't imagine that the young people back home are not lolling around outside ice cream parlors. Because it is possible to do that in this climate. Isn't it funny that I always wanted to cheat Chicago out of a winter and now that I am doing it I just can't get over it.

I have cleared up a considerable portion of the work that was troubling me this afternoon; so I am going to write letters this evening.

The watch stopped again at 2000.

So Touhy and Banghart were finally caught in Chicago.

I made a record in the PX but it is lousy so I do not believe I will send it.

The boys in the barracks had to display a full field pack this evening and I was warned of it by Roman F. Burkard, the T-5 mail orderly, and Nick (Cpl.) Amormino said that Private Klick had better make himself scarce tonight. So I did.

I have made such a studied effort to make this letter a short snappy one that I actually have had to think about what to say. As a result I have failed in my purpose of saving time and wasted about a half of an hour trying to think.

I am going to start on those other letters right now.

So long,
/s/ Roman
Roman, the kidlet.

P.S. My watch stopped SEVEN times while I was writing a letter to Richard and then it stopped and I can't get it started. PHOOEE!!!!