4 December 1942
Camp White, Oregon

Dear Aunty Clara:

Would you mind me not writing much tonight? I want to catch up on some things I should know like gas masks, footlockers, knapsack etc. We are also going to clean out the barracks etc. and to prove I am not just a white collared Hq worker I am going to mix in with the gang tonight. We are also going to be given a test on our General Orders. More about that later.

I got the picture and the fruitcake. Thanks an upteen million times. I ate the two big pieces and gave the four small ones to (1) Wally, (2) Censky, (3) & (4) to two other Company Clerks. Boy o boy I could have eaten a whole cake. I didn't save any --- I ate it right away.

So long,

P.S. Next week OFFICE-DRILL program is easier than this weeks.


And I hate to say it but we have had unusual weather out here and for Reveille this morning we were greeted with ice on the ground. Since then that is 12 o'clock it warmed up again.