Cp White 17/Jan/43

Dear Aunty Clara:

I still have twelve letters unanswered: Aunty Lillie, Eublers, Gonzalez, Infiestas, Hutchison, Marie, Anita, Aunt-Aunt, Richard, George, Tommy, and Eddie Cerny. I have written letters to Bruno, Virginia, Mary Kuehnle, the Klicks, Uncle Jack, Bobbie, and Jimmy also Aunty Florence.

I hope that tomorrow evening I can again tackle these things and make a further clearance. It is past ten thirty and even though I rested up well last night and this afternoon I am going to be hit the hay as soon as possible tonight.

The temperature was supposedly down to 25 or thereabout today although it did not feel that cold. That may be because there isn't any wind. Nevertheless the ground is solid and strange after all that mush of the last two months. The night is brilliantly clear. The planet Mars is visible as a red disk off in the horizon and the moon is directly overhead spreading a bright white light.

I ate such good meals at breakfast and dinner that when supper came around I just ate the chocolate pudding and a cup of coffee.

It will take me a little while to get all the envelopes addressed and mailed so

Au revoir, ma tante Clara,
ton neveu,
/s/ Roman

I am enclosing Aunty Florence's letter in yours to save money. I am not as flush as I used to be.