A.P.O.  #709

330.3                                                      25 April 1945

SUBJECT:  Commendation.

TO     :  Commanding Officer
          398th ASF Band
          APO #709

     1.  I desire to commend the band for the superior work they have done
both with the old 353d Engineer General Service Regiment and with the Group
that was organized from that regiment.

     2.  The band was one of the chief factors in building up the spirit of
the 353d, which made it an outstanding regiment.  It was dear to hearts of
everyone of that regiment, and a pride and joy to all of us.  It not only
furnished entertainment and music for ceremonies, but, when the occasion
demanded, assisted on our construction projects.  Its contribution to the
Group has been no less than to the regiment.

     3.  The band has always furnished versatile entertainment and superior
military music, not only for this command but for the entire military popu-
lation at the stations at which we have been located.  Their performances,
their appearance and their conduct has reflected great credit to themselves
and on the Regiment and the Group.  They have ever been an inspiration to
me personally.

     4.  I can truly say that nothing as yet in my military career has been
more difficult than to part with the band even for a short period.  It is
my sincere hope and wish that you may rejoin us at a not too distant date.

     5. May I extend my sincere thanks and my very best wishes.

                                 WENDELL P. TROWER
                                 Colonel, C.E.