A.P.O.  #709

330.3                                                 24 April 1945

SUBJECT:  Commendation.

TO:       Commanding Officer.
          1394th Engineer Construction Battalion,
          APO #709.

     1.  I desire to commend the 1394th Engineer Construction Battalion
for the excellent performance of its assigned tasks from the period of
its activation, 1 May 1944, to 20 April 1945.

     2.  During this period the battalion has played a most important
part in the rebuilding of the base at Guadalcanal.  All personnel of
the battalion can take a great deal of professional pride in noting the
vast improvements that have been made by them in the storage areas,
bivouacs, port facilities, roads and bridges of the island.  The follow-
ing are the major projects which were creditably completed by the

                    Construction of 20th Station Hospital
                    Lunga Water Treatment Plant and Distribution System
                    Rehabilitation of Medical Depot
                    Rehabilitation of Chemical Depot
                    Rehabilitation of Ration Dump No. 5 and 7
                    Construction of Recreation facilities
                    Completion of 48th Station Hospital
                    Construction of Ration Dump No. 1
                    Port Storage Areas
                    Farm and Forestry Roads

     3.  The battalion has frequently been called upon to act in emer-
gencies and has always responded with resourcefulness and determination.

     4.  Additional significance may be attached to the accomplishments
of the battalion inasmuch as a large portion of its construction program
was accomplished under extremely adverse weather conditions and during
the period of organization when adequate equipment was not available.

     5.  I thank all ranks for their loyal service and cooperation.  It
is my heartfelt wish that the battalions of the Group may be reunited in
the next undertaking.

                                   WENDELL P. TROWER
                                   Colonel,  C.E.,